When I worked at Disney, part of my job was arranging events for one particular company on Disney property. This often involved early pre-open mornings or late post-close nights. In the morning, it’s quiet and the sun is starting to come up which makes rainbows on the
recently sprayed pavement. Cheesy right? Orrrrr magical!
There are many cities in the US that claim to never sleep. I think Disney, a city in its own right, should be added to that list. Castmembers are working all day and all night to ensure the parks are guest ready.
Fast forward to me in a future job, attending conferences and events on Disney property as a guest. Tables are turned and I am now in Animal Kingdom enjoying a buffet in the middle of the park after it has closed. Or at a dessert party in Italy with VIP seats for Illuminations. Even staying in a hotel, walking around late night and overhearing music from Magic Kingdom, knowing Castmembers are hard at work.
Disney has perfected the art of always being “on” – full of happiness and distributing that magic anytime of day from anywhere on property.